Are You Wasting Yourself On The Wrong Person?

Are You Wasting Yourself On The Wrong Person? - Daphna Levy - Life Coaching Masters

Moms don’t like to see their daughters (or sons) unhappy in their relationships. That was the reason one mom bought my book PICKING RIGHT: The Single’s Guide to Finding the Right Match.

Her daughter had been dating a guy who treated her indifferently. And while adult children may not listen to their parents, they might read a book…

It took but a few chapters of PICKING RIGHT before the daughter broke up with the “indifferent” boyfriend and soon afterwards met “a nice lawyer who treats her right,” reported mom.

I thought to myself, She must have read the section titled Are You Wasting Yourself on the Wrong Person?”

I was pleased to see yet another reader take a positive step toward creating a happier relationship.

Daphna Levy – Life Coaching Masters