Joel & Esperanza

couples therapy pasadena ca

Marriage Counseling

“Daphna has been an angel for helping Joel and myself hold on to the love we have for each other and fight for our family.”

When I first got here, I felt like our relationship was hanging by a thread, like there was no more hope.

After the first few sessions things would feel much better between my wife and me. Getting the chance to talk about our feelings and issues felt like pressure releasing.

Daphna really helped us learn how to approach situations that would have caused arguments before. Now I see my wife with more love and that makes me feel great.

Thank you, Daphna, for all the help and support.

— Joel

Joel and I have been together for seven years. We’ve had problems communicating and we separated for a while because things weren’t getting any better.

So we decided to seek marriage counseling and found Daphna, who had the best reviews. One of my biggest likes from the reviews was that she doesn’t pick a side. She hears both sides.

When we started our sessions, I was able to let Joel know how I felt and I learned how to compromise and hear his feelings out too.

Daphna has been an angel for helping Joel and myself hold on to the love we have for each other and fight for our family. She taught us to not let anyone get involved or interfere with our relationship and made us understand that we are one now and that marriage can be a beautiful thing if both are happy.

— Esperanza