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Marriage Counseling

“My marriage is on the right path.”

After 22 years of marriage (with a six-year divorce break) we thought our marriage was over. There was zero communication.

My husband decided to find help so we can split up in one piece and not hurt our kids.

Daphna explained to us about providing the tools on how to communicate.

We met with Angela. She is the sweetest, most-understanding coach I’ve ever met. We completed our first round of marriage counseling sessions and with Angela’s help in guiding and providing the tools, we decided to continue coming to session.

We really appreciate the understanding and professionalism that have been given to us by Angela.

I would recommend this program in a heartbeat.


Después de muchos años de batalla en nuestro matrimonio por primera vez siento que empiezo a ver una luz al final del túnel. Por varios anos de decisiones, desacuerdos, pésima comunicación, por fin siento que vuelvo a reconocer a la mujer con quien decidí hacer vida.

Después de 4 sesiones con Angela y de darle bastantes dolores de cabeza, empezamos a tener comunicación con mi esposa y las cosas se ven mucho mejor. Mi matrimonio empieza a caminar por el camino correcto.

Muchas gracias a Life Coaching Masters y a Angela que nos ha enseñado y dado herramientas para sobrellevar nuestro matrimonio. Mil gracias por su atención Angela, por tan buenos consejos, por no perder la paciencia con nosotros y ayudarnos con tantas cosas que necesitábamos. Mil gracias.




After many years of battle in our marriage, for the first time, I see light at the end of the tunnel. Several years of bad decisions, disagreements, poor communication. I finally feel that I can again recognize the woman with whom I decided to live.

After four sessions with Angela, I started communicating with my wife and things are looking much better. My marriage is on the right path.

Many thanks to Life Coaching Masters and Angela who has empowered and given us tools to salvage our marriage. Thank you so much for your attention, Angela, for the good advice, for not losing your patience with us and helping us with so many things we needed. Thank you.
