Bakersfield, CA
Pasadena, CA
Marriage Coaching
Couple Coaching
Personal Help
Marriage Coach & Bestselling Author
Daphna Levy
Do You Need Marriage Counseling?
Arguments and fights tear relationships apart and can bring marriages to an end. Home life becomes unbearable and children are affected badly.
Have you ever wished you knew how to “fight correctly?”
There is no such thing!
If you are fighting or arguing, you have long since passed the point of having good communication. Without effective communication, relationships fall apart.
Fortunately, there is hope.

Save Your Relationship!
Relationships CAN be saved and families CAN be helped to stay together.
Our Marriage and Couple Coaching provide the tools you need to get along and communicate effectively, even about difficult subjects.
With good communication, understanding is possible.
Harmony and teamwork become natural.
And you regain the spark and love you once shared.
How is Marriage Coaching
Different from
Marriage Counseling or Couple Therapy?
Counseling and therapy focus on thoughts and feelings as well as past trauma.
Coaching focuses on the tools and skills you need to resolve the issues you have in your life and relationships.
For instance:
- Have you ever felt unheard, ignored or misunderstood?
- Have you ever had a simple conversation turn into a fight?
- Have you ever begun a conversation with topic “A” just to find yourself jumping to “B,” “C” and “E” and going in circles?
Coaching shows you how to avoid such situations and gives you the tools you need to replace them with constructive communication that brings you closer.
