Doreen & Monte

Doreen & Monte - Marriage Aide - Marriage Coaching

Marriage Coaching

“I recommend Couple Coaching. It has been way more helpful than Couple Counseling.”

We came here with my husband wanting a divorce. I asked if he would go to counseling and he said he didn’t see the point.

He agreed to come, I think, to prove that the relationship was not repairable.

With Daphna’s help, we could talk about the key issues that were causing us to grow apart. We could hear each other’s side and consider it. We came to understand that some things that we were trying to change about each other would not change, and that accepting that without resentment would make things better.

Now we can talk about things and listen to each other—not yell at each other.

I recommend Couple Coaching. It has been way more helpful than Couple Counseling. The real issues were tackled and we learned how to move through them together.


We met Daphna for the first time three months ago. She mad us feel comfortable with her right from the start.

Our relationship was in trouble at the time. I felt like were through.

Within a few sessions, she helped us better understand each other and we were able to open up our communication.

Doreen and I have become closer in the last couple months. Even though I know things aren’t perfect, I also realize nothing is. But now we have a stronger, more-solid base.

I would recommend any couple who is struggling but is not ready to throw in the towel to contact Daphna and see if she can help you.
